Singapore must drop 'out-of-bounds' censorship
Majority of the mass media in Singapore, (for example, radio, newspapers, and magazines) are controlled by the government. This is seen in the case of when the author had posted a column in “Today” and the Information Minister Lee Boon Yang said that the author had crossed the line.
The author believes that if Singapore drops the ‘Out- of – Bounds’ Censorship, the economy will actually improve as seen in “Media that doesn't simply report but also scrutinises promotes better corporate governance in government and business” (extracted)
The moment ‘you’ think out of the box, as compared to what the government want you to think, you will actually cross a OB marker so to speak. Thus the government wants the public to express self-censorship as well.
The markers also “demand that people think within a certain mindset and their nefarious nature means that people err on the side of caution” These also prevent Singaporeans to be creative by avoiding being courageous and daring in our thoughts.
“The views of foreigners particularly are targeted by the Singapore Government for censorship. Taking foreigners' money but not allowing them a voice betrays a lack of self-confidence on the part of the Government.” (Extracted)
“if the Singapore Government must have OB markers, it should clearly spell out what they are and enshrine them in law. Better still, it should get rid of them.” (Extracted) If not, it will result in Singapore being unable to move forward as one people and one nation who dares to express their views freely.
Some assumptions made by the author are that Singaporeans do not have the capability to research for the information they see that are censored from the internet.
Another is that these OB markers actually exist as it was only one time that the author fell foul of them. The forum in the newspapers is a place for people to express their views and one way the government collects their feedback therefore, it hosts both the positive and negative aspects of the people’s opinions. However if it reflects the government in a bad light that will affect the people, the government will censor it.
The author also believed that the views of foreigners are targeted by the government. However, why does he believe that is so? If you look in the newspapers, you will be able to see some forum posts by foreigners as well as the locals.
Lastly, even if the OB markers exist, that will not prevent people from thinking out of the box if they want to. The people can give their own opinions on matters as well.
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