Sunday, March 22, 2009

Censorship in the United States.


Censorship in the United States is about keeping her own citizens in the dark. The official version of whatever that happened is actually a fabricated story, presented to a largely unsuspecting public. The majority of the public is expected to not analyse the information given to them critically, as most of them cannot be bothered to do so. This makes easy the job of the ruling elite, who hunger after power and world domination. The announcement of the official version only requires the suppression of any alternative version.

The assumptions:

The writer assumes that the government of the United States actually wants to keep their own citizens in the dark about their actual affairs, in their bid for world domination. He has not questioned the accuracy of his own statement, in regards to what the government of the United States is really after. He also assumes that censorship in America works by ignoring anything that does not follow the official story.

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