Sunday, July 12, 2009

A triumph for Love

TIME magazine ( June 29 - July 6 , 2009, pg 76 to 78)

In October 1, 1989, the Axgils became the world’s first gay couple to legalize their union which led seven countries to permit such marriages and fifteen more to authorize civil unions. In 2005, mass protests held by religious and conservatives groups led to the repeal of such marriages via referendum. In Denmark, polls showed that only 25% of the public opposed and the gay marriage bill was passed with a clear majority. At that time, homosexuality was still a taboo but something changed which led to legalization being the only option after the 1984 attempt to legalize same-sex unions. Traditionalists felt that maintaining steady, single-partnered interactions between gays would be excellent. With this decision, homosexuals could openly show their affections. However, the legislation sees gay and straight unions as different altogether. Also, homosexuals are not allowed to adopt children. Since 1989, Denmark has pronounced 4,700 gay and lesbian marriages.

(149 words)

Done by : Teanna, Samantha and Shayne! :D

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